1.3 Daily Life of Gavin

Having moved in with the alien girlfriend he met yesterday, Gavin wasted no time in establishing a “day off routine”.

It should be noted that Gavin is in the writer’s Career, and is an aspiring author.


He does not merely play games.


He plays a game for maybe 20 sim minutes…


Before switching to a different one, or chatting!


On the bright side, his girlfriend can pull him away from gaming!


“Baby time now.”

To make babies.


Spolers: He makes it just in time.

And then, we had our first fail scare.

The next morning, Gavin did something.

Something previous ISBI’s had trained me to think of as an uncommon event.

08-21-15_5-05 PM

“Fiiiine I can play games later….”

Gavin went to work. Which is good, because he makes like $260ish, when Adelaide only makes $93. After being promoted once.

And to round out this update:

"Praise Rehctaw! A child!"

“Praise Rehctaw! A child!”

Adelaide is pregnant.


“Is like they want this to be trivial to enter! So sad.”

Adelaide enjoys finding the weaknesses in other people’s programming, and then leaving a friendly message on how they can do better next time. (While also taking a small fee for the service. She has to augment her income somehow!)


On the one hand, I feel for him, cause they’ve known each other for like two days, but….

That is not a good reaction to finding out your girlfriend is pregnant.


[Smooth Gavin, Smooth! She totally didn’t see your despair!]

Neither is politely clapping a good recover for the previous face.

Published in: on August 22, 2015 at 11:42 am  Leave a Comment  

1.2:Husband Quest

08-21-15_9-14 AM-3

“Pfah! Wearing such delicate clothing! If at gym, should wear durable athletic clothes, to facilitate excercise!”

It seems you’re having a bit of a rough start here…

But enough working on the public enemy aspiration! It’s time to look for sperm donors!

"Is important to show martial prowess to impress potential husbands!"

“Is important to show martial prowess to impress potential husbands!”

In searching the gym, only two young adult men existed:

Chris Werner

Chris Werner


Bob Carlo

Bob Carlo

So first we start with Chris Werner.

The Adelaide Little 3 step process to finding a husband.

Step 1: Find out the traits of potential Husband. Normal Sims have to talk and get to know them.

08-21-15_9-26 AM

“Chris! Tell me your secrets!”

Adelaide cheats.

Chris Werner: A Squeamish Creative Genius

Step 2: Prepare Self in Mirror

"Yes, this will do. Good, He won't resist this!"

“Yes, this will do. Good, He won’t resist this!”

Step 3: Find out he’s married.

Oh wait, er, let’s fix that.

Step 1: Find out he’s married

"Oh! You're, ah, married. Why did I want to know? No reason!"

“Oh! You’re, ah, married. Why did I want to know? No reason!”

Damnit Bob Carlo!

Screw this, let’s go o the park,

"Is good you seek to improve body...but why here?"

“Is good you seek to improve body…but why here?”

Eat hot dogs


“How strange, a meat that does not identify the animal it came from…”

Fail at romance,

"So I guess we'll just sit here awkwardly rather than actually speaking to each other than..."

“So I guess we’ll just sit here awkwardly rather than actually speaking to each other than…”

(Seriously, they just kept idly looking at each other but never speaking.)

And finish off being disliked.

[It's worse than I feared! These sims are far too thin-skinned!]

[It’s worse than I feared! These sims are far too thin-skinned!]

This is the first sim I’ve actually felt slightly bad about being mean to a sim.

Well, I declare the park a Failure. Let’s try the club!

Conga Conga Conga!

Conga Conga Conga!

This happened shortly after arriving, which is good, because before there was all of 2 other women in the club.

Step 1: Find out if he’s married

"Before we start talking, single?"

“Before we start talking, single?”

Check! Single!

Step 2: Learn his traits.

"Gavin Richards, Tell me your brain secrets!"

“Gavin Richards, Tell me your brain secrets!”

Once again, Adelaide cheats with her magical mind powers.

Gavin Richards: A Neat, Creative Bro

“Target: Acquired.”

Despite nearly failing:

[Oh dear, this isn't going well! But he could be it! My best hope!]

[Oh dear, this isn’t going well! But he could be it! My best hope!]

Luckily, Adelaide managed a smooth recovery, and the two really hit it off!

"I must go soon, but next time we meet..."

“I must go soon, but next time we meet…”

Unfortunately, their night was cut short, but on returning home…


Her Home had been delivered! (thuakheaw’s Starter Flat House)

After a night of taking care of needs and learning to program, and a morning preparing for work, who should arrive 3 hours before work, but…

"Y-You're actually here!"

“Y-You’re actually here!”

He was bored, apparently, and remained that way.

"So, computers, huh?"

“So, computers, huh?”

So he made a beeline for the computer. It was somewhat awkward. Adelaide found boredom to be evil, and that made her very sad.

"Why-y-y-y-y-y-y?! What merciless watcher would permit boredom?"

Why-y-y-y-y-y-y?! What merciless watcher would permit boredom?”

And very soon, she would be leaving for work. But this…this was an opportunity.

She would not let Gavin escape!

"You stay in home and help spawn broodlings, yes?"

“You stay in home and help spawn broodlings, yes?”

Published in: on August 21, 2015 at 7:14 pm  Leave a Comment  

1.1 The Little Ayy That Could

Let’s start with an explanation of the challenge:


The basic idea is that I control a single “Torch Holder” from Young Adult on. The rest of the household is entirely autonomous. The fun part is that my score changes based on their various failures.

Anyways, let’s get this show on the road. As our founding member, I give you Adelaide Little, The totally, completely, absolutely 100% not-an-alien sim.

08-21-15_12-15 AM-2

“This is normal sim clothes, yes?”

She’s a little clumsy, a little insane (Or at least she seems that way to other sims due to cultural differences between Simerica and Sixam Russim), and her translator may be barely functional, but she’s good at heart. Why just look at her goals! To be Public Enemy #1!

Wait what?


We set her down in Pebble Borough, a modest lot in Oasis Springs, and try and get some answers.

08-21-15_12-29 AM-2

“Is, What phrase…Tough Love! Biggest cause of growth is conflict. Modern sim too placid, need push!”

…And so, We send Adelaide off to…be a generally nasty person.

The first victim is Mortimer Goth.

08-21-15_12-31 AM-2

“I’m sorry, but your wife is dead. She said she loved you…Just kidding! I’ve never met your wife. Now go make sweet love to wife, now that you realize how terrible is loss!”

But wait! you aren’t in disguise! He know’s you’re an alien!

08-21-15_12-32 AM-2

“There is no beautiful funny wonderful blue girl here. Nope, Nosiree, go about your day fellow perfectly normal sim!”

And just like that, Mortimer forgot the poignant lesson Adelaide was trying to teach. But the oncoming tragedies of the Goth family our not our focus!

08-21-15_12-35 AM-2

“No one interesting here! Nope, just a normal Sim”

Now let’s try that again, shall we?

"Boo! Now embarrassment make you be more aware of surroundings. Might save life, even if hate me."

“Boo! Now embarrassment make you be more aware of surroundings. Might save life, even if hate me.”

Much better, I think…

"How did ruining people's day to give them life lessons seem like a good idea?"

“How did ruining people’s day to give them life lessons seem like a good idea?”

After performing similar acts of kindness disguised as cruelty, it was finally time to find a job. Maybe she would find a more suitable career for her personality, like writer, or scientist, or-

08-21-15_9-02 AM

“Tough Gal: Protect innocent people by intimidating them into staying away from dangerous individuals? Is perfect!”

Oh dear.

Published in: on August 21, 2015 at 8:18 am  Leave a Comment